Pan-fried Okra 紅燒秋葵
Because of CoViD, we are stuck at home, and instead of cooking, essentially, one meal a day, I’m making two meals a day. Not repeating a dish was getting difficult. It was during this time I come across a channel on YouTube by a guy in Hong Kong (越煮越好). It’s all in Cantonese, so….sorry… for those who doesn’t understand Cantonese, my referral is not going to be helpful.
He keep saying a few key phrases in his videos: “you don’t have to follow exactly my ingredients, just add what you like” (唔洗跟到咁足,最緊要合你口味), “don’t make it so complicated”(唔好咁煩啦⋯⋯咁就得啦!), and “it is this simple”(就係咁簡單). He basically gave me the confidence to just “try it”. With the combination of a lot more practices and good coach like him, I get to make a lot more different dishes and “fail” a lot less.
I basically used what he taught in 紅燒秋葵 and just make a few changes. I just washed the okra like he taught me, trim the head, and put it aside. I cut the fresh mushrooms, and onion, minced the garlic. I get the wok hot, put in the onion, then the garlic, and then put in the okra. Put in the seasoning and the mushroom, and let it cooked for a minute, add a little bit of water. I then close the lid, and let it cooked for another minute. Take the lid off, stir it a few times, off heat, and serve.
That’s it!
Pan-fried Okra 紅燒秋葵
Amazingly simple to make, amazingly quick to be ready, and amazingly tasty