Making Things Right
Yesterday, I visited a church in San Francisco, which meet, of all places, Treasure Island. It is a fairly diverse church, which I love. After singing a few praises, the Lead Pastor led us in prayer. One of the things that we were praying for is for some of its member who are touched or affected, directly or indirectly, by what was happening at the border. I love how the Pastor handled it. He did not scream and yell at the "injustice" of the government's action. He did not ask us to pray for the government to "do more" or "do better". He did not even condemn the government for doing what is "evil".Instead, he reminded us to pray for those affected by the circumstances leading to their situation. He reminded us to pray for those who have, effectively, become widow, widower, or orphans. He prayed for something to be done for them.I know my opinion on ILLEGAL "immigrants" has not been popular. Because in the past, my view have earned me many "titles" as well as being sworn at. Even amongst Christians, my view has been shunned upon.I know MANY Churches and Christian leaders has been very vocal in demanding the government to just pretend they are not illegals or simply change the rules to make their entry not illegal, period. The demands are trying to make the government behave like the church.That's not the job of the government.Government has only ONE job: rnforce rules that are fair and non- biased (mean no exception). They are not to play favourite, preferential treatment for any reason whatsoever.If something doesn't seem "fair", as in the case of these illegal immigrants, it is not the job of the government to be "humanitarian" unless it's a government with resource to spare and its own citizens have no needs. In the cases of Canada and the US, that is not the case.It is, JUST LIKE when there was the Vietnamese Refugee crisis, that the responsibility of bringing in and supporting them are on private citizens and groups. Which means it is, in "our" case, the job of the churches and Christians to work with the government to have a system in place for refugees to await sponsorship WHILE they remain in safe place they can safely arrive to.If churches and individuals want to criticize the "evil" policy over illegal immigrants, what are they DOING about it. Petitioning is not "doing" anything. It is simply doing "something" without "doing" ANYTHING at all.Doing the "right" thing may not be doing the right thing at all, while doing the "wrong" thing may just be the right thing to do.