9 O'Clock's Thoughts

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Who Are We Up Against?

Yes, trusting is very hard, especially when you can’t “see” the One whom you are trusting.

The Lord Takes Care of His Creation

Psalm 104:1-15
I praise you, Lord God, with all my heart.
You are glorious and majestic, dressed in royal robes
and surrounded by light.
You spread out the sky like a tent,
and you built your home over the mighty ocean.
The clouds are your chariot with the wind as its wings.
The winds are your messengers,
and flames of fire are your servants.

You built foundations for the earth,
and it will never be shaken.
You covered the earth with the ocean
that rose above the mountains.
Then your voice thundered!
And the water flowed down the mountains
and through the valleys to the place you prepared.
Now you have set boundaries,
so that the water will never flood the earth again.

You provide streams of water in the hills and valleys,
so that the donkeys and other wild animals can satisfy their thirst.
Birds build their nests nearby and sing in the trees.
From your home above you send rain on the hills
and water the earth.
You let the earth produce grass for cattle,
plants for our food, wine to cheer us up,
olive oil for our skin, and grain for our health.

Psalm 104 is not a familiar one to most, but it does resemble Psalm 23 and should remind us of Matthew 10. They are all reminders for us that we are not the one in control, and the ONLY ONE we can count on is the God who created us to get us through whatever we have to face.

2020 was a bust, and 2021 is not beginning on a positive note. I’m writing this as the Premier about to make an announcement that will further restriction in the province. Without a crystal ball, I can already tell how people are going to react. They will be reacting negatively precisely for the reason Psalm 104 is necessary. They feel threatened because they are not allowed to be in control of their lives.

Of course, there have been these Christian leaders who have vowed to be defiant of the government orders because “we obey God, not men!” Totally lost sight of following Government guideline is not “obeying men”, but are fighting this invisible and common enemy with fellow people.

As the early church adapts to the prosecution with a different way to meet and where to meet; we are now facing a once-in-a-lifetime attack, not from the government, but this hunter call CoViD-19. You can’t see it, and you don’t even know it already “got you” until later, and during which time you are helping “it” hunting down others.

Don’t get confused with “who” the actual enemy is. Trust in God to get us through this.