It's 2017. But Is IIt "New"?
Last night, New Year's Eve, as I was driving home from hotpot party with most of the members of my Wedding Party, the first news I heard on the radio was the Terrorists' attack in Turkey.Just this week, I have come across this video that I posted on my Facebook page. The speaker talks about "failed parenting". As much as the terrorists are anti-West, or whatever they are "for", they are just much victims of the same "failed parenting" as the culture in the "West" that is represented by the "millenials".The terrorists are mostly by-products of the Cold War. They were rooted in the role they were forced to play during the chess moves by the brilliant minds of the USA and USSR. Their civilizations were destroyed so that there was not an all-out nuclear war between the two superpower.When the Cold War ended, while the two superpowers did not fire one shot against each other, at least not openly nor directly, the shots were fired mainly in the middleeast. They have now been trained by the best military minds of the superpowers and the weapons left behind which is constantly resupplied by the surplus that both sides were stockpiling preparing for a war that never happened.When your home is completely destroyed, you have nothing to look forward to. Or that's what you think is happening to you. When you are told that you can, not only get what your hearts desire, be a hero, why would you not jump at the chance? You are told that, by being a "radical" thinking person, you actually have a more clear mindset, a untainted message from God, and a "true" believer. Why would you not forsake your life to do what you need to do.That's "bad parenting"."Bad Parenting" teaches people "trust your heart". That's trusting the least trustworthy part of you.At Service today, the pastor preached on Acts 17:1-9, and some of the Jewish leaders trusted their heart so much so that they cannot accept the possibility that Paul and Silas were sent by God that they enlisted gangsters to create a riot, forsake their own faith (admit, in a way, to the Roman office that there is only one god, which is the Emperor) just to get rid of the two because they are more successful in reaching people.There is nothing new under the sun.Humans' sinful nature always had this desire to belittle the role of God. They don't belittle God himself,but what having God mean.It happened when Adam and Eve considered the Fruit; when Moses killed the Egyptian; when David murdered Uriah; when Rehoboam ignore advices from the advisors in favour of his peers; when the Spiritual Leaders rather kill the Message rather than admit the error in tradition and change the ways of a misled nation; when Saul saw it was his calling to kill as many Christians as he could; when groups call themselves Christians and killed each other for them believing in the wrong thing; when the White West considered the Africans not worthy of anything including the Gospel because they believe the Africans are devils based on their skin colour; when terrorists filtered and changed the Qu'ran to justify them killing anyone they do not like; when kids justify their bullying; and, when "activists" believe they can do no wrong just because they are representing the truth, whatever that means.What do they have in common? It is as if they know better than God, and all will fall apart if they don't handle things for God.It is 2017. A new year has begun. But, is there a chance that the same old pattern be broken?