God is Already in the Future
“The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” - Deuteronomy 31:8a (NIV)
It’s no secret that I have finished my Master of Divinity. My current church, which I love, is a little too far for me to travel to, and I would need to look for placement closer to home. I really don’t know what God has in store for me and where I should be going. The future is currently full of unknowns.
If it were fully up to me, I would try to find a multicultural church to lead. It is a harder task than I thought. Many of the “multicultural” churches I have come across are mostly “bi-cultural” with leadership mostly “non-colour.” God has been spoiling me with my current church.
In comparison, what I have is, in my view, “First World Problem.” Just over a week ago, we were informed that the church our Senior Pastor came from was hosting upward of 30 refugees from Africa. That is no easy task. There are much needs for these brothers and sisters.
Within the week, I managed to have four families cooking turkeys, donations are piling in. I am so proud of our members. It is not easy to pull this together in such short notice. “Help them . . . so they can continue to live among you.” (Leviticus 25:35)
I don’t know what is in store for these brothers and sisters any more than mine, but I know God is faithful and is already ahead of us and has a mission for each one of us. May we learn to be in tune with God to fall into that perfect plan He has for us.