9 O'Clock's Thoughts

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Let Go and Let God….You Sure?

“Go … to the land I will show you …. So Abram went.” - Genesis 12:1, 4

Okay, don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that we don’t let go of things or other matters in life. We need to stop asking God to drive from the passenger seat while we are in the driver’s seat; however, that is not the point. We often hear people say, “let go and let God,” when they just give up and do nothing and then call their action an expression of “I trust God.”

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Abram did not just sit around where he was comfortable or familiar. “Going” is not as simple as “going” of today. Back then, your neighbour and your neighbourhood is your protection. Going into the unknown is, at best, an adventure and, at worst, a suicide. What he went with was the trust that His God telling Him to go meant God was going to be ahead of him already. It might have been unknown to him, but he also knew it was not unknown to God.

“Let God” is slightly more than “Jesus takes the wheel.” It is to go follow God’s lead into the unknown. We need to let go of the controlling part. Don’t know what to do? Don’t know what’s going to happen? Don’t know if you will be doing the right thing? Good. It’s a problem if you think or insist we know exactly what to do, what will happen or what is in store for you.

Often, God already hinted to us which direction we should go. No, usually is not whatever we want or just the thing that makes us happy or what we want. It is what God wants for our lives, just like He did with Abram. We need to remember that not only will He not throw us to the wolves, but He also gives us everything we need to know how to get there.

Trust Him, let’s GO!