God is in Charge of My Future Because He is Already There
“A thousand years in Your sight are like a day that has just gone by.” Psalm 90:4
I started my Master’s study in 2009. I have been going at it since then while working a part-time job and other volunteer responsibilities. Additionally, I am not the “academic type,” and with those mixed, even with the two years of break and another year affected by the pandemic, 13 years was still a long time to finish a degree.
That has affected me in the past, not helping me deal with my depression tendency. The above verse was one of the verses that helped to relieve that stress, though. It took Moses 40 years to be ready to lead God’s people and another 40 to get to the Promised Land, what is 13 years?
If I failed to grow spiritually and only academically, that would be 13 years wasted. But I am glad that I grew not only academically but also spiritually. Am I done growing? Not a chance. If God’s people tell you, “I am fully grown,” they lie to themselves. and everyone else. I am just waiting for the next training ground.
“I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea.” Isaiah 43:16
I know who is holding tomorrow, and I am glad that is not me.